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Health & Health Services



School Nurse



Robin Froehle, R.N. – Nurse Supervisor 
Carissa Jaganathan, R.N,
Connie Arnold, R.N. and Nina Dean, R.N.

Phone # 203-389-2195 press #2

“School nursing, a specialized practice of nursing, protects and promotes student health, facilitates optimal development, and advances academic success. School nurses, grounded in ethical and evidence-based practice, are the leaders who bridge health care and education, provide care coordination, advocate for quality student-centered care, and collaborate to design systems that allow individuals and communities to develop their full potential.” (NASN 2017)

Beecher Road School has full-time school nursing services on the premises during school hours. Communication with the school nurse about your child’s health concerns is important for the welfare of your child as well as that of other students and staff at the school. Many policies concerning health are governed by state law. Laws governing school health are rigid and complex. Please read the next section very carefully.

Health Assessments are required for: all students entering preschool and for each subsequent year of preschool, all students entering kindergarten, including those repeating kindergarten and all transfer students from other districts/schools. The health assessment (also known as the blue form) must be completed by a legally qualified medical professional within the twelve (12) months prior to a student’s enrollment. All students must provide evidence of immunizations required by state law. The Board may determine, after consultation with the school medical advisor, that a health screening for tuberculosis is required before students enter school. The nurse can provide details regarding these requirements.

Click here for the Health Assessment Record Form. 

No child will be admitted to school without a complete health assessment and immunization record.



Healthy Children Learn Better - School Nurses Make It Happen.