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Principal's Message

Welcome to Beecher Road School!

On behalf of the faculty and staff, I’d like to extend a very warm welcome to Beecher Road School! We are a community of dedicated educators who believe in developing lifelong learners. When you walk the halls of Beecher there is so much to see and hear! The first thing you’ll notice is the artwork that adorns our walls. Students from grades Pre-K through six work independently and collaboratively to produce beautiful works of art using a variety of mediums. The arts are further celebrated through our instrumental and general music programs. You’ll also probably bump into a student, or two, with their eyes glued to a book that they just can’t put down. Not only do we have a library media center that is chock full of interesting literature, our classroom libraries are stocked with hundreds of books for students to read! Using a workshop model approach, we strive to teach the reader, the writer and the mathematician. Our focus is always on student independence; with an eye to our students’ future learning lives. Another thing you will notice very quickly is students carrying iPads around the building. We are a technology rich school and our teachers integrate technology seamlessly into their everyday teaching. Talk to any one of our students and you will quickly learn that they are often engaged in a wide variety of learning experiences. From our sixth grade Capstone project, to our student run WBRS News Program. From the students who serve as peer mentors to younger children to the third and fourth graders engaged in Enrichment Clusters-- our students are offered a wealth of experiences and opportunities to grow; educationally, socially and emotionally. At Beecher we value the whole child. We believe in the Responsive Classroom philosophy that the social and emotional curriculum is just as important as the academic one. Our students build classroom communities through shared morning meetings, opportunities to discuss their hopes and goals for the year and many, many examples of what learning should look and sound like throughout the day. Our learning extends beyond the walls of the school too! The extended BRS community includes a tremendously supportive Parent Teacher Organization who hosts many school-wide events throughout the year. We hope you join us at our annual Ice Cream Social in the fall, the Halloween Hoot or Quassy Family Fun night in the spring! As our Mission states: “Beecher Road School is a caring, creative community that models and inspires the joy of life-long learning, embraces diversity and celebrates the unique qualities of each person.” Welcome to Beecher!

Analisa Sherman
Principal Beecher Road School

Beecher Road School Administrative Team

Analisa Sherman

Faculty Information

Beecher Road School
North Office

Contact Information

School Email
School Phone
203-389-2195   x101


James Sapia

Faculty Information

Beecher Road School
North Office
Assistant Principal

Contact Information

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School Phone


Cheryl Tafel

Faculty Information

Beecher Road School
North Office
Assistant Principal

Contact Information

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students in a flower design

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