Dear BRS Community,
May and June are always so exciting! Learning is continuing and many special events are occurring! Read on for some special events happening within the school community. With these exciting times, students often need reminders about expected behaviors. A change in routine or schedule will sometimes create uncertainty which is always challenging to manage! We thank you for your ongoing support of our students, as we dash towards the end of the school year!
Arts Week
The theme of Arts Week 16 is Peace. Arts Week will run from May 22-26. Family Night will be on May 25th. There are a number of wonderful events planned for the week for the students! In addition, our community is asked to dress in colorful ways:
Monday May 22: wear the primary colors
Tuesday May 23: wear the secondary colors
Wednesday May 24: wear complementary colors
Thursday May 25: wear white or your Arts Week t-shirt
Friday May 26: wear the spectrum of colors
In addition, the students and staff will be working on creating a pollinator pathway at Beecher! The pollinator pathway will be unveiled during Arts Week!
Upcoming Concerts
Our music department is hosting a number of wonderful concerts in the upcoming weeks. We look forward to hearing our musicians and singers performing!
Thursday May 25: 4th grade band in South Gym at 5:30
Monday May 29: 5th and 6th grade band. Memorial Day Day parade in Bethany
Wednesday June 7: 5th grade band and 5th grade choir at Amity High School at 5:30
Wednesday June 7: 6th grade band, after school choir, boom whackers ensemble and string ensemble at Amity High School at 6:30 pm
Student Council News
In March, Student Council held our annual Coins for a Cause collection as part of Spirit Week. Every year, Beecher outdoes itself with the record breaking amount raised, and this year was no different. Fifth grade earned extra recesses, as the grade that raised the most money. They collected $1080! The grand total was over $4500! This money goes towards a number of causes including donations to The Beardsley Zoo, the Woodbridge Residence Assistance Fund, the K9 First Responders and additional causes voted on by the students. Some money from this and our Bake Sale held during conference week will also be donated to Save the Children to help the earthquake relief efforts in Turkey. The Student Council is also in the process of setting up a scholarship fund at the high school for graduating student council alumni. None of this work would be possible without the generosity of our amazing community. Thank you! Thank you!
Summer Enrichment News
Summer is fast approaching! The Summer Enrichment Program (SEP) is back and better than ever! This year we are offering two sessions a day, so you can choose mornings, afternoons, or a full day program. We have classes for every interest - art, technology, cooking, science, engineering, physical activities, and more! Class size is limited, so don't delay! Register today at:
Would you like more information? Reach out to directors Jeannie Ciarleglio or Beej Ahern at
Book Fair: Thank you!
Our Scholastic Book Fair was a huge success! Many thanks to the amazing PTO for another amazing experience for our students and staff. It was such a joy to see happy students walking down the hall, excitedly holding their books! Thank you for your support of this wonderful literature-rich experience!
Library Books
It's time to start looking for school Library books that need to be returned. Books for class projects and iPads will all be returned in June. Please have your student look around your home for any overdue books. Individual student overdue notices will be going home in the coming weeks! Please contact our Librarians with any questions: Larissa Crocco and Katie McCollom Thank you for your support!
Green Team Tips
Thanks for Celebrating Earth Day with us!
BRS Green Team Clothing Freecycle was a HUGE success! We hope you came down to see us and picked up some new treasures!
- We received countless donations.
- 60+ families came to shop.
- 1440 clothing items were rehomed within our community.
- Three 6'x6'x3' bins of clothes were donated to Goodwill.
- 3 carloads of clothes were donated to 4 other local charities.
- $144 was donated to help Green Team efforts- including an outdoor water filling station.
- 100's of pounds of discarded clothes were kept out of the trash.
Most importantly, we had such a great time connecting with all of you!!
We hope to see you again for next year's event!