Apple IDs for students
The following information from Apple is provided for clarification to parents of students who will be using an Apple ID in school.
Links to Apple’s entire set of policies is provided through an email message sent to parents by Apple.
Italicized notes [in brackets] pertain specifically to Beecher Road School and are provided by the school for your clarification.
Parent Privacy Disclosure and Consent
As part of the process of creating your student’s Apple ID we have asked you to register your student by providing us with your student’s full name, birthdate, and your mailing address. We [Apple] have also requested your preferred email address for future contact with you about your student’s account, to notify you of changes to our policies, or to reset your student’s password. Your consent to Apple’s Privacy Policy and this Parent Privacy Disclosure and Consent is required before Apple may collect, use, or disclose any of your student’s personal information as described below. If there is a conflict between Apple’s Privacy Policy and this Parent Privacy Disclosure and Consent, the terms of this Parent Privacy Disclosure and Consent shall take precedence. We [Apple] will not collect, use, or disclose any personal information from your student if you do not provide such consent.
Collection, Use, and Sharing
In addition to the personal information requested at the time of your student’s account setup, we [Apple] may collect other information from him or her that in some cases has been defined under the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) as personal information. For example, when your student is using his or her Apple device, we [Apple] may collect device identifiers, cookies, an IP address, the geographic location, and the time zone where the Apple product is used. We [Apple] also may collect information regarding your student’s activities on or interaction with our website, iCloud, iTunes Store, App Store, Safari, Game Center, Siri, Maps, FaceTime, iPhoto, iBooks Store, Mac App Store, iTunes U, or our other apps, products, and services.
With an Apple ID, your student can do things such as:
- Enroll and participate in iTunes U courses
[BRS students may be asked to use iTunes U for specific purposes under the guidance of teachers.]
- Make FaceTime video calls
[BRS Students do not have access to FaceTime in school.]
- Send photos, videos, and texts to contacts using Messages
[BRS Students do not have access to Messages in school.]
- Access shared photo streams, which allow your student to share and receive photos and videos from friends
[BRS students do not have access to photo streaming in school.]
- Make purchases (if you choose to associate a credit card or gift card with the Apple ID account) on iTunes and in the App Store, iBooks Store, and Mac App Store, as well as receive recommendations from Genius
[BRS students will have access to iTunes and the App and iBooks Stores. The school will control use of these services.]
- Play games and interact in Game Center
[BRS Students do not have access to Game Center in school.]
- Receive directions via Maps
[BRS Students will have access to Maps.]
- Save documents to iCloud
[BRS students will have access to iCloud]
As set forth in our [Apple’s] Privacy Policy, Apple may use your student’s personal information to communicate important notices, deliver products, send push notifications, provide services, and improve our products, content, and services. We [Apple] may also use personal information for internal purposes such as auditing, data analysis, and research.
We [Apple] may use, transfer, and disclose for any purpose information that is not tied to your student’s identity. Limit Ad Tracking will be on for student accounts under 13 to ensure they do not receive targeted advertising from Apple.
Disclosure to Third Parties
Refer to Apple’s Privacy Policy to understand how we [Apple] may share personal information with third-party companies. In addition to what is described in Apple’s Privacy Policy, we [Apple] may provide your student’s school with his or her Apple ID and the email address attached to his or her Apple account. With respect to any private iTunes U courses your student may enroll in, please note that their Apple ID and full name will be provided to the course instructor and the associated school.
We [Apple} may disclose your student’s information if we are required by law, legal process, litigation, and/or requests from public and governmental authorities to disclose your student’s personal information or if we determine we must do so to enforce our terms and conditions or protect our operations or users. Finally, in the event of a reorganization, merger, or sale, we may transfer any and all personal information we collect to the relevant third party.
Parental Restrictions
An iPad can give your student access to a wealth of information. However, there may be times when you want to limit your student’s access to certain types of content or resources. On your student’s iPad, you can set restrictions, such as preventing in- app purchases and designating allowable content. To review Apple’s step-by-step guide to setting restrictions on your student's device, please review the Parent Guide. Please remember that once your student’s Apple ID is set up, you will need to go to Settings on your student’s device, tap General and then Restrictions to access the Restrictions settings. Restrictions are device-specific, so we strongly encourage you to set Restrictions on each Apple device your student may use promptly after creating your student’s Apple ID. This is an important step in ensuring oversight of your student’s activity on Apple devices.
[Since BRS students will not be taking the iPads out of the school, parents will not be involved in managing student access. The school will provide management of Restrictions for all student iPads.]
Access, Correction, and Deletion
If at any time you want to access, correct, or delete data associated with your student’s account, please contact Apple Support.
Parent Confirmation to Administrative Password Reset
There are times when your student may forget the password for his or her Apple ID. Please note that by providing your consent to this Apple Privacy Policy and Parent Privacy Disclosure and Consent, you are confirming that your student’s school has the right to reset the password on your student’s behalf.
Parent Consent to Apple Privacy Policy and Parent Privacy Disclosure and Consent
We must obtain your consent to Apple’s Privacy Policy, which is incorporated herein by reference, and this Parent Privacy Disclosure and Consent in order for Apple to establish an Apple ID for your student and collect, use, and disclose personal information from him or her. We will not collect, use, or disclose any information from your student if you do not provide your consent. Once you complete this process, the data you provide will be submitted to Apple, and your student will have an Apple ID that can be used at school and at home on an iPad (as well as Mac computers).
[Please note that the Beecher Road School has specific rules about use of Apple ID for devices other than the school-provided iPad.]
For your interest additional information about Apple's Privacy Polices can be found at