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Click here for the supply list for students entering Kindergarten

The Kindergarten program at Beecher Road School addresses social, emotional and cognitive development in an environment that is responsive to and respectful of the needs of all students. The kindergarten team values and promotes strong home-school connections. Parents are encouraged to be active participants in their child’s school experience.


Reading Workshop

Unit 1: We Are Readers
Unit 2: Readers Read, Think and Talk about Emergent Storybooks and Familiar Shared Texts
Unit 3: Readers Use Superpowers to Read Everything in the Classroom and Beyond

Unit 4: Bigger Books, Bigger Reading Muscles

Unit 5: Reading for Information

Unit 6: Becoming Avid Readers

Writing Workshop

Unit 1: Launching the Writer’s Workshop

Unit 2: Looking Closely: Observing, Labeling, and Listing like Scientists

Unit 3: Pattern Books

Unit 4: All-About Books

Unit 5: Persuasive Writing 

Unit 6: Independent Writing Projects 

Math Workshop

Topic 1: Number Identification and Counting
Topic 2: Counting & Cardinality
Topic 3: Place Value and Further Exploration of Counting
Topic 4: Comparing Numbers
Topic 5: Measurement
Topic 6: Addition and Subtraction
Topic 7: Geometry



Plant & Animal Needs

Social Studies

All About Me
Friends and Family
My Community
Taking Care of the Earth
Seasonal Holidays and Traditions